Virtual “Get Fit” Programs for Women

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The App offers the following;

  • Fitness programs
  • Workout videos
  • Workout of the week
  • Healthy recipes and meal ideas
  • A habit tracker
  • A macro calculator with daily calories
  • A 3D body scan
  • Wellness articles and suggested wellness products

Some items are available as in app purchases.

Get Healthy Plan

If you are new to exercising and struggle with a healthy diet, then this is a good option for you! This package will give you the most individualized support.

This package is 4 weeks long and includes:

  • Initial assessment to establish your current fitness level and set goals
  • Initial virtual body scan or in office on the “In Body” machine to establish a baseline
  • 1 virtual or in person training session per week along with an additional customized workout plan
  • A training app that will have all of your easy to follow workouts along with healthy recipes, tips and helpful articles
  • Unlimited Email/text support
  • Specialized nutrition plan designed to increase your metabolism, improve energy levels and aid in weight loss with sample meals and recipes
  • Tips and recommendations for increasing metabolism, improving sleep, increasing rest and recovery and removing toxins from your body and home
  • 1 weekly check in via zoom or phone to make any needed changes to your program (4 total)
  • Final virtual body scan to see results
Pricing: $299 for 4 weeks


If you are currently on Semaglutide or would like to take Semaglutide then this program is for you. If you would like to take Semaglutide I have great referral for you and a coupon for $50 off your 1st appointment. Just contact me here

This program is going to help you to lose weight in a healthy way without cannibalizing your muscle and it will teach you healthy habits for life. This allows for sustained weight loss without the fear of regaining the weight back after you go off of the medication.

This program includes;

  • Initial assessment to establish your current fitness level and set goals
  • A 3D body scan to get current composition
  • A custom made fitness program designed to build/maintain muscle
  • A R&R program designed to help reduce cortisol and aid in recovery
  • A custom made nutrition plan designed to keep you insulin sensitive
  • A habit tracker to hold you accountable
  • Unlimited Email/text support
  • 1 weekly check in to keep you on track, make adjustments and iron out any issues.
Pricing: $75 for 1 month
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